Thursday, January 20, 2011

My day today

I managed to extend my readings from 7:30am to about 9:30am today. I did this random readings in order to check up on any new equipment they might put up or any new meter I should read.

Freaky, I’m going to the high hygiene area here at the plant. Sigh. I am geared up for it with white shirt and white pants.

Feel like a geek in my suit. Sigh.

JM is taking a while with his meeting. Lunch break will be in a few minutes. At least I have work to do this afternoon. Yey! I’m getting to be a bit busy now. Unlike the previous weeks.

I really think when people call you sir it’ll get in your head. That must be the case of that guy. Sigh.

Lunch time break! I’m gonna sleep for a while.

Sigh. People seem to notice that I go to areas every time. They think I’m really busy today. Truth is I am. I feel like a part of the company. And not just a contractual guy. I should have had training at TNC’s Calamba plant when I was there. I should have asked to be transferred somehow. I really need the exposure to real life on the plant and not just inventories during those years. It’s a blessing though that I am able to cope up with the system here at my age.

I’m going home earlier today. The new computer shop very near our house has a very fast internet connection so it’s worth the 1-hour rental. Last night I wrote about 3 or 4 new blogs for publishing today and tomorrow.

The weather is still cold during nights and mornings.

Ate ice cream for snack today. only about an hour left before I go home.

Need to go home. Brought pizza for the kids.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

the week starts

January 3

Well this is the real start of work for most of the people here at the plant. It seems a lot has happened in the period where everyone was on vacation. A few of the folks here didn’t quite made it back. They’re either resigned or are at their contract’s end. Still no Delta V data. It’s been 3 days already since the power shutdown. My work really depends on that data. For now, I’ve monitored the readings of just about everything on my list for the last 3 days. ok now I’m technically did my job. I hope I can repeat everything again next week somehow. I want to do it alone again just like the last 2 days.

It’s hot here at the office today. Wearing my sweat shirt would be a waste and it would be too hot. Already the day is half over. The 1st Monday of the month and of the year. Next week will be my 43rd birthday. I think we’ll celebrate it this Sunday with mom, pop and Dodo’s family. I hope we have money on that day.

I hope kulit sets our gathering soon. Sigh. I think they’re waiting for Arnel to be available. I hope I have money then.

Damn it’s so hot.

Lunch break is over for most of us. No Milo on the dispenser. I’m settling for coffee since yesterday.

They have a meeting here again. Sigh.

It’s 1:01pm and already I want to do something else. Our data center is still kaput.

Thinking about it, I can write a couple of stories with my free time here at my PC. I hope I can find inspiration for some fan fiction or original work. It’s that time.

It’s getting cold outside but the air conditioning system in our office seem to be off. I’m really sweating it out here. It’s freaking hot in here.

The guy I replaced appeared today. Looks like he’s coming back here. I wonder what position he’ll be given. Sigh.

I’m on my 2nd cup of latte. Yesterday I drank 2 cups of cappuccino. There’s still no Milo on the dispenser.

Technically finished my duties for the day. I’m on standby for any orders from the top guys.

It’s still a wee 27 minutes before we take our break for the pm.

Finished my afternoon break. It’s less than an hour to go before we all go home.

You can never really get rid of office politics. I hope I won’t have the problems some of the contractual people here had today. I’m totally sweaty today. It’s so damn hot.

Only about 33 minutes to go before I call it a day. I’m just doing some finishing touches on my reports.

That’s my day today. Tomorrow will be another.

I hope dinner’s ready once I arrive home.

January 4

Well this morning was a busy one. I got dusted by debris left over from the construction of some cables near the boiler. I got the ladder from the chiller area. All just to find the reason for our data center’s breakdown. I think I still have concrete on my hair. At least I’m doing something right and I’m not just sitting around.

My hands are sore from carrying that big ladder. Sigh. Still standing by and watching the tech do her job on the delta V data. It seems that lost data stay lost with this program. Sigh. Unlike the last accounting program I used at TNC when we can write a script and all lost data could be retrieved. I think it’s because no outside instruments are involved unlike here at the plant when everything is connected.

I’m going to the bank today to check if my ATM card is already available for release. It’s been 3 weeks already. I do hope it’s available so I can withdraw without being shy or embarrassed.

My head feels like it’ll explode. It’s freezing all of a sudden here. I’m getting hungry. Sigh.

We’re all busy today, the kids are at school, Joyce and me are at work. It seems like a long time since we all were this busy. I wonder how my folks are doing today.

Every day that passes gets me near to my 43rd birthday. What to do on my birthday? Sigh.

I can’t get over the fact that these contractual works jumped from one contractor to the other in the span of 2 days. When their output was in check, everyone was in an uproar. I think it’s a bit unfair on some level. But that’s just me.


About Me

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I'm a comic and movie buff. I love superhero stuffs and anime. I got 2 lovable kids.